• BS 7541:1992

BS 7541:1992

Specification for temporary protectives for the protection of metal surfaces against corrosion during transport and storage

BSI Group , 02/28/1992

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Specifies requirements for materials applied to the metallic surfaces or included in the package in proximity to the surfaces.Cross References: BS 334*BS 871*BS 903:Part A2*BS 903:Part A16*BS 903:Part A59*BS 907*BS 1004 *BS 1133:Subsection 6.1*BS 1133:Subsection 6.2*BS 1449:Part 1*BS 1470*BS 2000:Part 15*BS 2000:Part 35*BS 2000:Part 50*BS 2000:Part 112*BS 2000:Part 132*BS 2000:Part 154*BS 2000:Part 170 *BS 2000:Part 179*BS 2782:Part 3:Methods 320A to 320F *BS 2870*BS 3370*BS 3900:Part A2*BS 3900:Part C2*BS 3900:Part E1*BS 3900:Part F2*BS 4689*BS 6017*IP 178*

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