• BS 7592:1992

BS 7592:1992

Methods for sampling for Legionella organisms in water and related materials

BSI Group , 11/15/1992

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Specifies methods for the sampling of hospital, domestic, commercial and industrial buildings so that samples are representative of the water within the services in the premises. Applicable to all types of water services within buildings including hot water services, cold water services, cooling systems, and associated equipment. It is not applicable for sampling potable water services for vending machines.Cross References:DD 211BS 6068:Section 6.3BS 6920:Part 1

BS 7592:1992 History

BS 7592:2022

BS 7592:2022

$175.00 $351.00

BS 7592:2008

BS 7592:2008

$154.00 $309.88

BS 08/30161147 DC

BS 08/30161147 DC

$125.00 $250.16

BS 7592:1992

BS 7592:1992

$80.00 $160.02

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