BS 7668:2016

Weldable structural steels. Hot finished structural hollow sections in weather resistant steels. Specification

BSI Group , 09/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 7668:2016 specifies the technical delivery requirements for weldableweather resistant hot finished seamless, electric welded and submerged arcwelded (longitudinal or helical) steel structural hollow sections of circular,square, rectangular or elliptical forms. It applies to hollow sections formed hotwith or without subsequent heat treatment, or formed cold with a subsequentfull body heat treatment to obtain equivalent metallurgical conditions to thoseobtained in a hot formed product.The products are equally suitable for welded, bolted and riveted structures. Thehollow sections specified in this British Standard are intended for use inconstruction or for general engineering purposes. Requirements for tolerances,dimensions and sectional properties are specified in BS EN 10210-2.NOTE Four material grades are specified in this standard and the user should selectthe grade appropriate to the intended use and service conditions.This British Standard does not apply to products currently covered by,BS EN 10210-1, BS EN 10219-1, BS EN 10219-2 or BS EN 10225. However, thegrades in BS 7668:2016 are compatible with those of similar strength levelspecified in BS EN 10025-5.In addition to the definitive requirements, this standard also requires the itemsdetailed in Clause 4 to be documented. For compliance with this standard, boththe definitive requirements and the documented items are to be satisfied.Cross References:BS EN 287-1BS EN 1011-1BS EN 1011-2BS EN 10021BS EN 10027-1BS EN 10052BS EN 10079BS EN 10168BS EN 10204 BS EN 10210-2BS EN ISO 148-1BS EN ISO 377BS EN ISO 2566-1 BS EN ISO 6892-1BS EN ISO 10893-2BS EN ISO 10893-3BS EN ISO 10893-6BS EN ISO 10893-7BS EN ISO 10893-11BS EN ISO 15607BS EN ISO 15609-1BS EN ISO 15614-1BS 6200BS EN 1993-1-10BS EN 10020BS EN 10025-5BS EN 10210-1BS EN ISO 9000

BS 7668:2016 History

BS 7668:2016

BS 7668:2016

$132.00 $264.16

BS 7668:2004

BS 7668:2004

$95.00 $190.50

BS 7668:1994

BS 7668:1994

$80.00 $160.02

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