BS 7882:2017

Method for calibration and classification of torque measuring devices

BSI Group , 08/30/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 7882:2017 specifies requirements for the calibration and classification of torquemeasuring devices, including those used for the calibration of torque tools.It describes the method of calibration, calculation of calibration results and the classification of thetorque measuring device in a static mode. The information to be given on the certificate of calibrationis also listed.Annex A provides diagrams of the application of torque, and examples for the calibration of torquemeasuring devices. Annex B indicates how to determine uncertainty of the calibration results of thetorque measuring device.Cross References:JCGM 200

BS 7882:2017 History

BS 7882:2017

BS 7882:2017

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