• BS 8000-2.2:1990

BS 8000-2.2:1990

Workmanship on building sites. Code of practice for concrete work-Sitework with in situ and precast concrete

BSI Group , 11/30/1990

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Does not cover concrete work carried out for civil engineering and other specialist applications. Common Arrangement of Work Section (CAWS) classifications E10, E20, E30, E40 and E50. Cross References:BS 1881BS 4466BS 5606BS 5975BS 6100:Subsection 1.3.1BS 6100:Subsection 1.3.3BS 6100:Section 6.2BS 8000:Section 2.1BS 8000:Part 9 BS 8110:Part 1Also available as part of KIT 11.

BS 8000-2.2:1990 History

BS 8000-0:2014+A1:2024

BS 8000-0:2014+A1:2024

$132.00 $264.00

BS 8000-6:2013

BS 8000-6:2013

$175.00 $350.52

BS 8000-0:2014

BS 8000-0:2014

$95.00 $190.50

BS 13/30268792 DC

BS 13/30268792 DC

$112.00 $224.72

BS 8000-9:2003

BS 8000-9:2003

$95.00 $190.50

BS 8000-9:1999

BS 8000-9:1999

$95.00 $190.50

BS 8000-16:1997

BS 8000-16:1997

$44.00 $88.90

BS 8000-10:1995

BS 8000-10:1995

$132.00 $264.16

BS 8000-8:1994

BS 8000-8:1994

$132.00 $264.16

BS 8000-11.2:1990

BS 8000-11.2:1990

$46.00 $93.98

BS 8000-7:1990

BS 8000-7:1990

$154.00 $309.88

BS 8000-8:1989

BS 8000-8:1989

$132.00 $264.16

BS 8000-2.2:1990

BS 8000-2.2:1990

$132.00 $264.16

BS 8000-2.1:1990

BS 8000-2.1:1990

$95.00 $190.50

BS 8000-6:1990

BS 8000-6:1990

$132.00 $264.16

BS 8000-4:1989

BS 8000-4:1989

$132.00 $264.16

BS 8000-12:1989

BS 8000-12:1989

$95.00 $190.50

BS 8000-14:1989

BS 8000-14:1989

$132.00 $264.16

More BS Standards PDF

BS 4618-4.4:1973

BS 4618-4.4:1973

$80.00 $160.02

BS 4931:1973

BS 4931:1973

$132.00 $264.16

BS 2011-2.1FDB:1973

BS 2011-2.1FDB:1973

$95.00 $190.50

BS 2TA 4:1973

BS 2TA 4:1973

$46.00 $93.98