• BS 8005-1:1987

BS 8005-1:1987

Sewerage-Guide to new sewerage construction

BSI Group , 12/23/1987

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Design and construction, testing and survey, operation, maintenance and repair of the whole system of sewers, manholes, storm overflows, siphons, and all other works necessary to convey sewage, storm sewage, surface water and trade effluents to their place of final disposal.

BS 8005-1:1987 History

BS 05/30138598 DC

BS 05/30138598 DC

$126.00 $252.63

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BS 8005-5:1990

$132.00 $264.16

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BS 8005-4:1987

$132.00 $264.16

BS 8005-0:1987

BS 8005-0:1987

$132.00 $264.16

BS 8005-1:1987

BS 8005-1:1987

$175.00 $350.52

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BS 8301:1985

$199.00 $398.78

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