• BS 8103-2:1996

BS 8103-2:1996

Structural design of low-rise buildings-Code of practice for masonry walls for housing

BSI Group , 01/15/1996

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Provides a set of simplified structural design recommendations for walls in low rise housing of not more than three storeys and certain small single storey non-residential buildings using traditional construction.Cross References:BS 6399:Part 1BS 8103:Part 4BS 187BS 1243BS 3921BS 4721BS 4729BS 5390BS 5628:Part 1BS 5628:Part 3BS 6073:Part 1BS 6100BS 6457BS 6649BS 8103:Part 1BS 8103:Part 3CP 3:Chapter V:Part 2 DD 140:Part 2Replaced by BS 8103-2:2005 but remains current.

BS 8103-2:1996 History

BS 8103-2:2013

BS 8103-2:2013

$175.00 $350.52

BS 13/30262014 DC

BS 13/30262014 DC

$121.00 $243.52

BS 8103-2:2005

BS 8103-2:2005

$154.00 $309.88

BS 8103-2:1996

BS 8103-2:1996

$132.00 $264.16

More BS Standards PDF

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BS CWA 14167-4:2004

$133.00 $266.70

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BS 04/614023 DC

$148.00 $297.69

BS 5588-8:1999

BS 5588-8:1999

$132.00 $264.16

BS 04/30118849 DC

BS 04/30118849 DC

$112.00 $225.69