• BS 8300:2001

BS 8300:2001

Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people. Code of practice

BSI Group , 10/03/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:BS 3621BS 4787-1BS 5395-1BS 5378 BS 5499-1BS 5588-1BS 5588-8BS 5776:1996BS 6100BS 6180BS 6262BS 6262-4BS 6440BS 6571-4BS 7352BS 7594BS 8213-1BS 8233BS EN 81-1BS EN 81-2BS EN 115BS EN 1154:1997BS EN 1155 BS EN 1935BS EN 12051BS EN 12414BS EN 60118-4IEC 60118-4:1981ISO 9386-2BS 4800:1989BS 5252:1976BS 5395-2:1984BS 5588-5:1991BS 6034:1990BS 6571-6:1996BS 7036-1:1996BS 7036-2:1996BS 7036-3:1996BS 7036-4:1996BS 7036-5:1996BS 7953:1999BS 8220-1:2000PD 6523:1989BS EN 81-70Building Regulations 1991Building Acts to Crown BuildingsRegistered Homes Act 1984 and Registered Homes (Amendment) Act 1991Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970Disabled Persons Act 1980Town and Country Planning Act 1971Town and Country Planning Act 1990Building Regulations Approved Document, Part K:1997Building Regulations Approved Document, Part M:1999Technical standards for compliance with the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations. Part TBuilding Regulations (Northern Ireland). Technical Booklet RDisability Rights Commission Act 1999 Disability Discrimination Act 1995

BS 8300:2001 History

BS 8300-2:2018

BS 8300-2:2018

$190.00 $381.00

BS 8300:2009

BS 8300:2009

$152.00 $304.80

BS 08/30153845 DC

BS 08/30153845 DC

$134.00 $268.93

BS 08/30182649 DC

BS 08/30182649 DC

$127.00 $254.80

BS 8300:2001

BS 8300:2001

$199.00 $398.78

BS 5810:1979

BS 5810:1979

$95.00 $190.50

BS 5619:1978

BS 5619:1978

$80.00 $160.02

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