BS 8411:2019

Safety nets on construction sites and other works. Code of practice

BSI Group , 10/21/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Safety nets are used on construction sites and similar works mainly to arrest a person?s fall, althoughthey can also be used to catch or contain debris. Safety nets reduce injury because they absorb a largeproportion of the energy from a falling body through suffering plastic deformation when impacted,dissipating this energy with minimum rebound.

Safety nets provide a collective protection system that is constantly available for those personsworking above it, i.e. one which requires no input from the workers it is being used to protect.

Safety nets are manufactured from synthetic materials. While they are lightweight and rot-resistant,they can be easily damaged by improper use, wear and tear, heat or flame, and handling and storage.They can also be adversely affected by ultraviolet (UV) degradation and environmental factors,resulting in some strength loss. Safety nets are subject to regular examinations by competent personsincluding periodic testing in accordance with the manufacturer?s instructions.Cross References:BS 5975BS EN 13374BS 7883BS EN 795BS EN 362BS EN 1263-1:2014BS EN 1263-2:2014Work at Height Regulations 2005Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

BS 8411:2019 History

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BS 8411:2019

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