BS 8414-1:2020

Fire performance of external cladding systems-Test method for non-loadbearing external cladding systems fixed to, and supported by, a masonry substrate

BSI Group , 04/29/2020

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This part of BS 8414 provides a test method for determining the fire performance characteristicsof non?loadbearing external cladding systems, rainscreen overcladding systems and external wallinsulation systems when fixed to, and supported by, a masonry substrate and exposed to an externalfire under controlled conditions. The peak fire exposure is intended to be representative of anexternal fire source or a fully developed (post-flashover) fire in a room venting from an aperture thatexposes the cladding to the effects of external flames.

BS 8414-1:2020 History

BS 8414-1:2020

BS 8414-1:2020

$95.00 $190.50

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