• BS 8415:2005+A2:2012

BS 8415:2005+A2:2012

Monuments within burial grounds and memorial sites. Specification

BSI Group , 04/30/2012

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:BS EN 1991-1-1BS 4449BS 6100BS 6744BS 8004BS 8110-1BS EN 197-1:2000BS EN 206-1BS EN 447BS EN 10088-2BS EN 10088-3BS EN 12370BS EN 12371BS EN 12407 BS EN 13919BS EN ISO 11600ISO 16938-1ISO 16938-2Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998Incorporates the following:AMD 15639 published 18 May 2005AMD 15639 is a CorrigendumAmendment, June 2009. Amends and replaces BS 8415:2005Amendment, April 2012. Amends and replaces BS 8415:2005+A1:2009

BS 8415:2005+A2:2012 History

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BS 8415:2018

$154.00 $309.88

BS 8415:2005+A2:2012

BS 8415:2005+A2:2012

$132.00 $264.16

BS 8415:2005

BS 8415:2005

$76.00 $152.40

BS 8415:2005+A1:2009

BS 8415:2005+A1:2009

$86.00 $172.72

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