BS 8485:2015

Code of practice for the design of protective measures for methane and carbon dioxide ground gases for new buildings

BSI Group , 02/29/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 8485:2015 gives recommendations on ground gas site characterizationand the choice of solutions for the design of integral gas protective measuresfor new buildings to prevent entry of carbon dioxide and methane, and providea safe internal environment.This British Standard gives a process that can be used to demonstrate that risksposed by the potential or actual presence of carbon dioxide and methane havebeen addressed.This British Standard does not cover protection of new buildings against otherhazardous ground gases. Nor does this British Standard cover protection ofbuildings into which methane and carbon dioxide might be introduced by theactivities for which they are used (for example, water pumping stations).The retrospective design of protection measures for completed buildings and thedesign of retrospective protection measures after completion of buildingconstruction are not covered in this British Standard.Cross References:BS 8576:2013BS 10175:2011+A1:2013BS EN 13137BS 5925BS 5930BS 8102:2009BS EN 1992-1-1BS EN ISO 11074BS EN ISO 11665-1BS ISO 15105-1BS ISO 18400-104BS ISO 18400-105BS ISO 18400-201BS ISO 18589BS ISO 23909ASTM D638Building Regulations 2000Building Regulations 2010Management of Health and Safety Regulations at Work1999Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999

BS 8485:2015 History

BS 8485:2015+A1:2019

BS 8485:2015+A1:2019

$199.00 $398.78

BS 8485:2015

BS 8485:2015

$199.00 $398.78

BS 8485:2007

BS 8485:2007

$132.00 $264.16

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