BS 8500-1:2015

Concrete. Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206. Method of specifying and guidance for the specifier

BSI Group , 06/30/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 8500-1:2015 describes methods of specifying concrete and givesguidance for the specifier.Annex A of this British Standard provides guidance on the concrete quality to bespecified for selected exposure classes, intended working life and nominal coverto normal reinforcement. It does not give guidance on stainless steel andnon-metallic reinforcement. Guidance on nominal cover to reinforcement forstructural and fire consideration is available in other publications, e.g. structuraldesign codes of practice.This part of BS 8500 complements BS EN 206. It provides United Kingdomnational provisions where required or permitted by BS EN 206. It also coversmaterials, methods of testing and procedures that are outside the scope ofBS EN 206, but within national experience.Cross References:ASTM C173BS 8500-2:2015BS EN 206:2013BS EN 12350-1BS EN 12350-2BS EN 12350-5BS EN 12350-6BS EN 12350-7BS EN 12350-8BS EN 12390-7BS 5502-21BS 5502-22BS 6349-1-4BS 8204-2BS EN 197-1BS EN 1367-2BS EN 1367-4BS EN 1744-1 BS EN 1990BS EN 1992-1-1BS EN 1992-1-2BS EN 12390-3BS EN 12620BS EN 13055-1BS EN 13286-51BS EN 13369BS EN 13670BS EN 13813BS EN 13877-1BS EN 13877-2BS EN 14227-1 BS EN ISO 9001NA to BS EN 1992-1-1PD 6682-1Replaces BS 8500-1:2006+A1:2012 which remains current

BS 8500-1:2015 History

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BS 8500-1:2023

$199.00 $399.00

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BS 8500-1:2015+A1:2016

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BS 8500-1:2015

BS 8500-1:2015

$134.00 $269.24

BS 8500-1:2006+A1:2012

BS 8500-1:2006+A1:2012

$184.00 $368.30

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BS 8500-1:2002

$184.00 $368.30

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