BS 8517-1:2016

Security dogs-Code of practice for the use of general purpose security dogs

BSI Group , 09/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 8517-1:2016 gives recommendations for the operational use of a dog bya security dog handler when providing manned guarding services on a static siteor mobile patrol, including records, kennelling/husbandry, dog health andwelfare, equipment and clothing, training and operational requirements.NOTE 1 Recommendations for static site guarding and mobile patrol services aregiven in BS 7499. Recommendations for screening of security individuals are given inBS 7858.This part of BS 8517 also assists procurers of security dog services to ensure theservice fits the end user requirements and risk profile.This part of BS 8517 excludes the provision of detection dogs and handlers.NOTE 2 Detection dogs and handlers are covered in BS 8517-2.Cross References:BS 7499:2013BS 7858Private Security Industry Act 2001Dangerous Dogs Act 1991Microchipping of Dogs Regulations 2014Animal Welfare Act 2006Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 20062003/88/EC Control of Dogs Order 1992Road Traffic Act 1988Guard Dogs Act 1975 Welfare of Animals (Transport) Order 2006Sale of Goods Act 1979

BS 8517-1:2016 History

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