BS 8536-1:2015

Briefing for design and construction-Code of practice for facilities management (Buildings infrastructure)

BSI Group , 07/31/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 8536-1:2015 gives recommendations for briefing for design andconstruction to ensure that the design takes account of the expectedperformance of the asset/facility in use over its planned operational life. It isapplicable to the provision of documentation supporting this purpose duringdesign, construction, testing and commissioning, handover, start-up ofoperations and defined periods of aftercare.This British Standard is not intended to provide detailed guidance on design orconstruction, but is concerned with information and data that are needed inorder that due consideration can be given to operability and performancerequirements for the new or refurbished asset/facility. It does not coverdecommissioning or other end of life activities.This British Standard is intended for use by individuals and organizationspreparing or contributing to design, construction and operations, in both thepublic and private sectors, including owners refurbishing an existingasset/facility, organizations procuring a new asset/facility, and the designers,constructors, subcontractors, operators, operations teams, facility managers andother specialists engaged in such activities.Cross References:BS 1192:2007BS 1192-4PAS 1192-2PAS 1192-3PAS 1192-5BS 7000-4BS 7832:1995ISO 9699:1994BS 8210BS 8300BS 8572BS 8587:2012BS 9999:2008BS EN 15221-1:2006 BS EN 15643-3BS EN 15643-4BS ISO 11620:2014BS ISO 15392:2008BS ISO 16439:2014BS ISO 21500:2012BS ISO 50004:2014 BS ISO 55000:2014PAS 91BS 7000-6BS 7543BS 8544 BS EN 15221-2BS EN 15221-3BS EN 15221-4BS EN 15221-6BS EN 15221-7BS EN 15265BS EN 15331BS EN ISO 9001BS EN ISO 14001BS ISO 15686-1BS ISO 15686-2BS ISO 15686-5BS ISO 15686-10BS ISO 19208BS ISO 37500BS ISO 55001BS ISO 55002

BS 8536-1:2015 History

BS 8536:2022

BS 8536:2022

$104.00 $208.00

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$78.00 $157.48

BS 8536-1:2015

BS 8536-1:2015

$78.00 $157.48

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