BS 8597:2015

Steels for the reinforcement of concrete. Reinforcement couplers. Requirements and test methods

BSI Group , 08/31/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 8597:2015 specifies requirements and test methods for steelreinforcement couplers (hereafter called couplers) to be used for the mechanicalsplicing of steel reinforcing bars. It specifies requirements for couplers to beused for mechanical splices in reinforced concrete structures underpredominantly static loads and additional requirements for couplers to be usedin elements of structures subject to high cycle elastic fatigue loading. It alsospecifies requirements for the evaluation of conformity of couplers.This British Standard does not specify requirements for couplers which are to beused for mechanical splices in reinforced concrete structures subject to low cycleloading in the elastic-plastic range.This British Standard specifies performance requirements for couplers. Thecouplers are tested as part of a mechanical splice between two lengths ofreinforcing steel, manufactured in accordance with BS 4449 or BS 6744. Theperformance tests specified are therefore for mechanical splices incorporatingthe coupler being assessed. The requirements of this standard apply to themanufacture of couplers and not the assembly or installation of mechanicalsplices on site.NOTE Instructions for assembly or installation of couplers can be obtained from the manufacturer.Cross References:BS 4449BS EN ISO 7500-1BS EN ISO 9513:2012BS EN ISO 15630-1:2010BS ISO 16020BS 6744:2001+A2:2009BS EN 1992-1-1:2004

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