BS 8779:2022

Assessment, maintenance and repair of masonry highway parapets for bridges and other structures. Code of practice

BSI Group , 05/10/2022

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 8779:2022 PDF

This British Standard provides recommendations and guidance for the assessment, maintenance and repair of existing reinforced and unreinforced masonry parapets.

This British Standard is applicable to unreinforced masonry parapets of 10 m or greater in length or, if the parapet contains movement joints, with a minimum parapet panel length between joints of 10 m and to reinforced masonry parapets with parapet panels 2 m, or greater, in length.

This British Standard is intended to be used by highway authorities, railway authorities, designers

and contractors.

NOTE These include County, District and Unitary Councils, Network Rail, Transport for London and their respective supply chains.

This British Standard relates to highway structures only.

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