• BS 903-A14:1992

BS 903-A14:1992

Physical testing of rubber-Method for determination of modulus in shear or adhesion to rigid plates. Quadruple shear method

BSI Group , 06/15/1992

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Methods for the determination of the modulus in shear or the strength of bonds of rubber to metal or other rigid plates using rubber bonded between four parallel plates.Cross References: BS 903:Part A29*BS 903:Part A32*BS 903:Part A35*BS 903:Part A38*BS 5214:Part 1*

BS 903-A14:1992 History

BS 903-A14:1992

BS 903-A14:1992

$80.00 $160.02

BS 903-A14:1970

BS 903-A14:1970

$132.00 $264.16

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