BS 903-A9:2020

Methods of testing vulcanized rubber-Determination of abrasion resistance. Akron and Taber methods

BSI Group , 11/24/2020

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Abrasion resistance of rubber is an important technological property but no single abrasion testmethod can simulate the various conditions that rubber products can be subjected to in service.A considerable number of abrasion tests have been developed and many of them are given inBS ISO 23794. BS ISO 23794 also outlines the different wear mechanisms and the significance of thevarious abradants and test conditions.

This British Standard describes two methods using apparatus commonly referred to as the Akronabrader and Taber abraser. The Akron machine uses wheel on wheel geometry and is notable for theability to vary the degree of slip by changing the relative angle of the wheels. The Taber abraser usesa pair of wheels in contact with a driven flat disc test piece. Its notable features are that the force onthe wheels and the nature of the abradant can easily be varied and the test can be carried out in thepresence of liquids.

BS 903-A9:2020 History

BS 903-A9:2020

BS 903-A9:2020

$95.00 $190.50

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