• BS 97/106645 DC

BS 97/106645 DC

Terminology (including definitions of dimensions and symbols) for earth-moving machinery. New part. Definitions and commercial specifications for backhoe loaders (ISO/DIS 8812)

BSI Group , 08/27/1997

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:BS EN ISO 3450:1996BS AU 50:Part 1:Section 3:Subsection 3.1a:1991BS AU 50:Part 1:Section 3:Subsection 3.2a:1991BS AU 50:Part 4:Section 3:Subsection 3.1:1991 BS 6912:Part 10:1993BS 5982:1987BS 6911:Part 3:1990BS 6914:Part 2:1988BS 6914:Part 3:1988BS 6914:Part 8:1993BS 6422:1983BS 6911:Part 2:1990 ISO/DIS 6016:1996ISO/DIS 6165:1994ISO/DIS 7131:1994ISO/DIS 7451:1994ISO/DIS 7457:1995ISO/DIS 9249:1995

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