• BS 98/713242 DC

BS 98/713242 DC

Aerospace series. Aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products. Technical specification. Part 1. Plate (prEN 4400-1)

BSI Group , 08/06/1998

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:EN 515EN 2000EN 2002-1EN 2002-8 EN 2002-22EN 2002-23EN 2004-1EN 2004-10EN 2007EN 2032-1EN 2032-2EN 2043EN 2078EN 2716EN 2720EN 3042 EN 3874EN 3987EN 3988EN 4050-4EN 4258EN 4259EN 4268EN 4500-2EN 6018EN 6019EN 10003-1EN 12258TR 2410EN xxx (ASTM B 769:1994) Standard method for shear testing of aluminium alloysEN 2004-10EN xxx (ASTM E 9:1989) Compression testing of metallic materials at room temperatureEN xxx (ASTM E 238:1984) Standard method for pin-type bearing test of metallic materialsEN 2002-23EN xxx (ASTM E 647:1991) Test method for constant load amplitude fatigue crack growth rates above 10-$u8 m/cycleEN xxx (ASTM G 47:1990) Standard test method for determining susceptibility to stess-corrosion cracking of high-strength aluminium alloy products ISO 1880:1979

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