• BS 99/201578 DC

BS 99/201578 DC

IEC 60728-7. Ed. 1.0. Cabled distribution systems for television and sound signals. Part 9. Interfaces of cabled distribution systems for digitally modulated signals (IEC document 100D/62/CDV)

BSI Group , 03/15/1999

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:DVB-TM 1449 Rev 1:1995 (10th working draft)EIA/TIA SP 3357:1994ANSI B1.1:1982JCTEA STD-002-1.0:1997 EN 188101:1995EN 188201:1995ETS 300473:1995 IEC 60728-1:1986IEC 60728-1/Amd 1:1992IEC 60728-1/Amd 2:1995IEC 60728-2IEC 60728-3:1997IEC 60728-4:1997IEC 60728-5:IEC 60728-6IEC 60728-11:1997ISO/IEC 13818-1:1995ISO/IEC 13818-9:1996IEC 60169-8:1978IEC 60793-2:1992IEC 60874-14:1993ISO 2110:1989ISO/IEC CD 14165-1 ITU-R Recommendation BT.656-2 (1994)ITU-T Recommendation G.654 (1993)ITU-T Recommendation G.703 (1991)ITU-T Recommendation G.957 (1993)ITU-T Recommendation G.651 (1993)ITU-T Recommendation G.652 (1993)ETS 300421:1994ETS 300429:1994

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