• BS 99/240635 DC

BS 99/240635 DC

IEC 60695-7-51 ED 1.0. Fire hazard testing. Part 7-51. Toxicity of fire effluent. Estimation of toxic potency. Calculation and interpretation of test results (IEC DOCUMENT 89/335/CD)

BSI Group , 03/02/1999

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:IEC 60695-1-1:1995IEC 60695-4:1993IEC 60695-7-1:1993IEC 60695-7-3IEC 60695-7-50ISO TR 9122-2:1992ISO TR 9122-5:1992ISO 13344:1996 ISO/DIS 13943 (Guide 52)

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