• BS BIP 3044:2005 (CD ROM)

BS BIP 3044:2005 (CD ROM)

BS 8300 Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people. Code of practice CD-ROM

BSI Group , 10/28/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References: BS 3621*BS 4787-1*BS 5395-1*BS 5378 *BS 5499-1*BS 5588-1*BS 5588-8*BS 5776:1996*BS 6100*BS 6180*BS 6262*BS 6262-4*BS 6440*BS 6571-4*BS 7352*BS 7594*BS 8213-1*BS 8233*BS EN 81-1*BS EN 81-2*BS EN 115*BS EN 1154:1997*BS EN 1155 *BS EN 1935*BS EN 12051*BS EN 12414*BS EN 60118-4*IEC 60118-4:1981*ISO 9386-2*BS 4800:1989*BS 5252:1976*BS 5395-2:1984*BS 5588-5:1991*BS 6034:1990*BS 6571-6:1996*BS 7036-1:1996*BS 7036-2:1996*BS 7036-3:1996*BS 7036-4:1996*BS 7036-5:1996*BS 7953:1999*BS 8220-1:2000*PD 6523:1989*BS EN 81-70*Building Regulations 1991*Building Acts to Crown Buildings*Registered Homes Act 1984 and Registered Homes (Amendment) Act 1991*Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970*Disabled Persons Act 1980*Town and Country Planning Act 1971*Town and Country Planning Act 1990*Building Regulations Approved Document, Part K:1997*Building Regulations Approved Document, Part M:1999*Technical standards for compliance with the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations. Part T*Building Regulations (Northern Ireland). Technical Booklet R*Disability Rights Commission Act 1999 *Disability Discrimination Act 1995*VAT is applicable to this item.

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