• BS BSI Flex 3030 v2.0:2024-12

BS BSI Flex 3030 v2.0:2024-12

Net zero transition plans for small and medium enterprises. Code of practice

BSI Group , 12/31/2024

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This BSI Flex gives recommendations for an organization intending to design and implement its transition to net zero through a clearly defined plan leading to GHG emissions reductions.

It covers how organizations:
• quantify their GHG baseline (emissions and removals);
• set targets for GHG emissions reductions;
• identify those actions or measures necessary to achieve the NZTP; and
• create a realistic pathway to net zero.

The main focus of this BSI Flex is on planning for mitigation actions leading to GHG reductions. Net zero transition plans prepared in conformity with this BSI Flex also consider GHG removals and adaptation to climate change.

This BSI Flex provides high-level principles and a framework for an organization on delivering its transition to net zero. This is intended to increase transparency, accountability and comparability between NZTPs of organizations and help demonstrate where organizations are on their net zero journey. This BSI Flex also assists the organization’s own sustainability or ESG reporting.

It is designed to be used alongside other management system standards which include principles that enable this systematic approach to be followed, including those for quality, environmental and energy management.

This BSI Flex is applicable to any organizations, including companies, not-for-profit and public sector bodies. It is applicable UK-wide, and its recommendations are available to be used by organizations internationally.

This document is primarily for use by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), typically in industry or commerce, including those that have not previously addressed climate change. However, it is also suitable for any organization that has already made significant progress in decarbonization or has achieved carbon neutrality.

It could be of interest to larger organizations which have SMEs in their value chain and wish to mobilize their suppliers or customers.

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