BS BSI Flex 6228: v2.0 2022-04

Plastic packaging. Assessment of recycled content within polyethylene terephthalate (PET) virgin material and recyclate blended packaging materials produced from mechanical recycling methods. Specification and test methods

BSI Group , 04/30/2022

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS BSI Flex 6228: v2.0 2022-04 PDF

A UK tax on plastic packaging with less than 30 percent recycled materials means the sector needs an efficient and reliable way to identify levels of recyclate. BSI Flex 6228 on plastic packaging sets out how to test for the recycled plastic content of PET packaging products and pellets, and report on the findings.

NOTE: Available as a FREE download, BSI Flex 6228 is a live document, published quickly to meet a current, pressing market need. We expect that future iterations will follow quickly and recognize that further work is needed to quantify recycled plastic content to exact fractions and finalize a working industry standard and test method for recycled plastic content certification.

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