BS DD CEN/TS 15901-6:2009

Road and airfield surface characteristics. Incorporating corrigendum May 2022

BSI Group , 05/31/2022

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the wet-road skid resistance of a surface by measurement of the sideway force coefficient SFCS.

The method provides a measure of the wet-road skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of sideway-force coefficient at a controlled speed. The method has been developed for use on roads but is also applicable to other paved areas such as airport runways.

This Technical Specification covers the operation of the Sideway-force Coefficient Routine Investigation Machine SCRIM. This is a device developed by W.D.M. Limited, Bristol, England from original research by the Transport Research Laboratory in the United Kingdom. It uses the side force principle to make routine measurements of skid resistance continuously on long lengths of road. SCRIM test equipment has been built onto a number of different vehicle chassis and functions independently of vehicle choice.

A machine conforming to the general characteristics of the SCRIM and the specific provisions of this Technical Specification may also be used for the tests.

The skid resistance of a pavement is determined by friction measurements and measurements of pavement texture. Where measurement of pavement texture is required the standard for this measurement and the device is described in EN ISO 13473-1.

BS DD CEN/TS 15901-6:2009 History

BS DD CEN/TS 15901-6:2009

BS DD CEN/TS 15901-6:2009

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