• BS DD ENV 1993-1-3:2001

BS DD ENV 1993-1-3:2001

Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures-General rules. Supplementary rules for cold formed thin gauge members and sheeting

BSI Group , 08/15/2001

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References: BS 5427-1*BS 5950-6*BS 5950-7*BS EN 10149-2*BS EN 10149-3*BS EN 10219*ISO 1000 *ISO 4997 BS 648:1964*BS 6399-1:1996*BS 6399-3:1988*CP 3:Chapter V:Part 2:1972*

BS DD ENV 1993-1-3:2001 History

BS DD ENV 1993-1-3:2001

BS DD ENV 1993-1-3:2001

$237.00 $474.98

BS 5950-6:1995

BS 5950-6:1995

$109.00 $218.44

BS 5950-9:1994

BS 5950-9:1994

$177.00 $354.33

BS 449-2:1969+ADDENDUM NO. 1:1975

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