• BS ISO/DIS 9004.1:2017

BS ISO/DIS 9004.1:2017

BS ISO 9004. Managing for the sustained success of an organization. A quality management approach

BSI Group , 05/17/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS ISO/DIS 9004.1:2017 provides guidance to managers at all levels to enhance an organization's ability to achieve sustained success. This guidance is consistent with the quality management principles given in ISO 9000:2015.This document includes a self-assessment tool for reviewing the extent to which the organization has adopted the concepts in this document.This document is applicable to any organization, regardless of its size, type and activity.Cross References:ISO 9000:2015ISO 10019:2005 Ed 1ISO 26000:2010ISO 9001:2015ISO/IEC 90003:2014ISO 10014:2006 Ed 1ISO 22000:2005 (R09) Ed 1ISO 9000:2015ISO 10012:2003 Ed 1ISO 14040:2006 (R10) Ed 2 ISO/DIS 45001:2016ISO 10007:2017ISO 10002:2014 ED2ISO/TR 10013:2001ISO 10008:2013 ED1ISO 14044:2006 (R10) Ed 1IEC 61160:2005ISO 10018:2012 ED1ISO 10004:2012 ED1ISO/TR 14049:2012 ED2ISO 10006:2003 (R09) Ed 2ISO/TR 14047:2012 ED2ISO/TR 10017:2003 Ed 2ISO/IEC 27001:2013ISO/TS 14048:2002 (R08) Ed 1ISO 50001:2011 Ed 1ISO/IEC 27000:2016ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748-5:2017ISO 39001:2012 ISO 14001:2015ISO/IEC 27002:2013ISO 10005:2005 (R09) Ed 2ISO 31000:2009 Ed 1ISO 10001:2007 Ed 1ISO 10015:1999ISO 10003:2007 Ed 1IEC 60300-1:2014ISO/TR 14062:2002 Ed 1ISO 19011:2011 Ed 2ISO/TS 9002:2016

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