BS PAS 1018:2017 (CANTONESE)

Indirect, temperature-controlled refrigerated delivery services. Land transport of refrigerated parcels with intermediate transfer. Specification

BSI Group , 06/30/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PAS 1018:2017 (CANTONESE) specifies requirements for the provisionand operation of indirect, temperature-controlledrefrigerated delivery services for refrigerated parcels(which might contain temperature-sensitive goods)in land transport refrigerated vehicles. It includes allrefrigerated delivery service stages from acceptance(receipt) of a chilled or frozen parcel from the deliveryservice user, through to its delivery at the designateddestination, including intermediate transfer of therefrigerated parcels between refrigerated vehiclesand via a geographical routing system. This PAS alsoincludes requirements for resources, operations andcommunications to delivery service users. It is intendedfor application by refrigerated delivery serviceproviders.PAS 1018 does not cover requirements for refrigeratedparcel delivery via modes of transport such asairplane, ship or train. It also does not cover separaterequirements for refrigerated parcels that may betransported in ambient temperatures due to the factthat they contain their own refrigeration materials(e.g. ice packs, refrigerated foam bricks, dry iceblocks) and are surrounded and enclosed by sealedthermoprotective packaging that creates a separaterefrigerated climate to that provided within thedelivery service. However, these types of refrigeratedparcels may be transported through a refrigerateddelivery service.This PAS does not cover direct refrigerated courierservices in which chilled parcels and frozen parcels arecollected from the delivery service user and transporteddirectly to a recipient without in-transit transfer. It doesnot cover requirements for the quality or specificallyfor measuring the temperature of the contents ofthe chilled parcels or frozen parcels being deliveredand their pre-point of receipt state, but does set therequirements for the refrigerated delivery servicecarrying them. It also does not cover the transport ofmedical devices and medical equipment.

BS PAS 1018:2017 (CANTONESE) History

BS PAS 1018:2017 (CANTONESE)
BS PAS 1018:2017+C1:2018 (CANTONESE)

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