BS PAS 24:2016

Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. Doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk

BSI Group , 02/29/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PAS 24:2016 specifies test methods and acceptance criteria relevant to the enhanced security performance of doorsets and windows intended to resist attack normally associated with the casual or opportunistic burglar.It is applicable to doorsets and windows listed in a) and b) below.Standard loading cases for use with Annex B and Annex C have been preparedfor the following products.
  • Windows: singular and multilight:
    • top hung, side hung, bottom hung, butt hinged;
    • top and side hung projected;
    • top hung and side hung fully reversible;
    • tilt and turn and turn and tilt;
    • vertical and horizontal sliding;
    • fixed and fixed casements (dummy vents);
    • parallel opening;
    • double opening (French windows);
    • vertical and horizontal pivot.
  • Doorsets:
    • single and double leaf;
    • single and double swing;
    • hinged;
    • sliding (single and multi-track);
    • pivot;
    • folding sliding (single and multi-track);
    • stable;
    • with or without integral side panels and fanlights.
The security performance requirements in this PAS are not material specific.This PAS is applicable to new window and doorsets as manufactured and priorto installation. It is only applicable to complete window and doorsets or a rangethereof.The ability to gain entry by manipulation of a lock cylinder is addressed in thisPAS. Entry by deliberate breaking of the glass, lock picking using tools onlyavailable to a locksmith, attack on electrical controls, electronic components andelectrical supply or by attack on the frame fixing methods is not addressed. ThisPAS does include a requirement for the infill medium material.This PAS is not a test of component performance or installation requirements.Cross References:BS 644BS 4873BS 6262BS 6375BS 6510BS 7412 BS 8529BS EN 356:2000BS EN 1303:2015BS EN 1627:2011BS EN 12600:2002BS EN 13724:2013TS 008:2015BS 7950BS EN 45011TS 007:2014

BS PAS 24:2016 History

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