BS PAS 8820:2016

Construction materials. Alkali-activated cementitious material and concrete. Specification

BSI Group , 04/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PAS 8820:2016 specifies the performance requirements for alkali-activated cementitiousmaterial comprising aluminosilicate main constituents and an alkali activator. AnAACM (including the activator) may contain Portland cement only at a content ofless than 5% mass of binder solids, and may contain subsidiary constituents notexceeding 25% of the mass of the cementitious material. It also specifies a meansof assessing concrete obtained through the use of such cementitious materialfor performance and durability, and sets requirements for the alkali-activatingcomponent and the aluminosilicate powder component of these concretes.NOTE 1 The term "geopolymer" is not used in this PAS, but this does not exclude itsuse for descriptive purposes in conjunction with alkali-activated cementitious materials.This PAS does not:
  • set detailed requirements for the composition of the alkali-activatedcementitious material;
  • specifically address applications for such materials as renders, screeds, mortarsor repair materials, although it does not exclude the possibility that suchmaterials could be used for such purposes; or
  • cover the use of any material classified as hazardous waste.
NOTE 2 Hazardous waste is defined in the Technical Guidance of the UK EnvironmentAgency and includesradioactive materials.This PAS is for use by manufacturers of alkali-activated cementitious material,producers of prefabricated concrete elements containing alkali-activatedcementitious material and producers of concrete containing alkali-activatedcementitious material which is to be precast, delivered ready-mixed, or mixedin situ. It is also of interest to designers and specifiers as it provides a means ofassessing the suitability of AACM concrete mixtures for typical construction uses.NOTE 3 Attention is drawn to The Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 2002and The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

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