• BS PD 2379:1994

BS PD 2379:1994

Register of colours of manufacturers' identification threads for electric cables and cords

BSI Group , 04/15/1994

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Lists colour combinations allocated to cable manufacturers in Australia, Canada, France (one company only), India, Ireland, Kenya, Jamaica, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden (one company only), Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom and Zambia. Includes BASEC, CENELEC and IECEE approval threads.

BS PD 2379:1994 History

BS PD 2379:2005

BS PD 2379:2005

$132.00 $264.16

BS PD 2379:1994

BS PD 2379:1994

$132.00 $264.16

BS PD 2379:1990

BS PD 2379:1990

$132.00 $264.16

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