BS PD 5500:2012+A2:2013

Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels

BSI Group , 09/30/2013

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This major work specifies requirements for the material, design, manufacture, inspection, testing and verification of compliance for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels manufactured from carbon, ferritic alloy and austenitic steels, aluminium, copper and nickel used in a wide range of process and energy industry applications.The term 'pressure vessel' as used in this specification includes branches up to the point of connection to the connecting piping by bolting, screwing or welding, and supports, brackets or other attachments directly welded to the pressure-containing shell.PD 5500 is applicable to vessels subject to electrical heating or heated process streams. It excludes, however, those that are subject to direct generated heat or flame impingement from a fired process.Key amendments for 2013:
  • The clarification of the use of design strength based on actual material properties
  • Corrections to Table 3.6-2
  • Requirements for pressure relief for vessels contained in casings
  • A correction to Table 5.7-2
  • Revisions to Figures D.1 and D.2
  • Clarifications regarding the calculations in Annex G.2
  • Recommendations for stress checks for local loads applied to reinforced nozzle walls
  • Revisions to Enquiry Cases 5500/133 (Flat unstayed ends of non-circular shape and associated flanges) and 5500/134 (Superseded referenced standards).
Additionally various internal and external references have been updated.

BS PD 5500:2012+A2:2013 History

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