BS PD 6669:2017

Guidance for the provision of Alarm Transmission Systems (ATS) for Alarm Systems in the UK

BSI Group , 06/29/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD 6669:2017 provides guidance and recommendations relating to alarm transmissionsystems used in association with alarm systems.NOTE 1 Alarm transmission systems (ATS) provide a means of sending alarm messages (such as fire, intrusion,access control or social alarm) away from the supervised premises to an alarm receiving centre.This Published Document builds upon the existing BS EN 50136 series for alarm transmissionsystems by providing additional guidance, such as additional ATS performance categories and actionsto be taken when the availability fails to meet the required levels, alongside fitting and installationadvice to improve the security and reliability of ATS.NOTE 2 See Annex A for installation guidance for intruder and hold-up alarm application.This Published Document also includes recommendations to enable enhanced reporting of dualpath failures.Cross References:BS EN 50136-1:2012BS EN 50131-10:2014 DD CLC/TS 50131-7BS EN 50600-2-4:2015BS 5979:2007BS 9263:2016BS EN 50518-3:2013BS 8591:2014BS EN 50600-2-2:2014BS EN 50600-2-1:2014BS EN 50600-4-1:2016BS EN 50600-4-3:2016DD 243:1998BS 8243:2010+A1:2014 BS EN 50600-2-3:2014BS EN 50600-1:2012BS EN 50600-3-1:2016BS EN 50518-1:2013BS EN 50518-2:2013BS EN 50136-1:2012BS EN 50131-1:2006BS EN 50600-4-2:2016

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