BS PD 6689:2017

Surface treatments. Guidance on the use of BS EN 12271 and BS EN 12273-Guidance on the use of BS EN 12271 and BS EN 12273

BSI Group , 11/30/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD 6689:2017 provides guidance on the use of BS EN 12271 and BS EN 12273 to specifyproducts for Local Roads and for the Highways England Strategic Road Network (SRN).Cross References:PD 6682-2:2009BS EN 12271:2006BS EN 13808BS EN 12272-1 BS EN 12274-2BS EN 12272-2BS EN 13043BS EN 12273BS EN 12274-8BS EN 12272-3BS EN ISO 13473BS EN 12274-3Street Works (Northern Ireland) Order 1995BS 1707BS EN 12274-5BS EN 13036-1BS EN 12274-4BS 2000-522BS EN 13588BS EN 15322 BS EN 12274-7BS EN 13614

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BS PD 6689:2017

BS PD 6689:2017

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