BS PD 6691:2015+A1:2016

Guidance on the use of BS EN 13108, Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications

BSI Group , 12/31/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD 6691:2015+A1:2016 gives guidance on the use of BS EN 13108-1:2006,BS EN 13108-2:2008, BS EN 13108-4:2006, BS EN 13108-5:2006, BS EN 13108-7:2006,BS EN 13108-8:2005, BS EN 13108-20:2006 and BS EN 13108-21:2016.Clause 1 to Clause 10 of this Published Document give general guidance andbackground information on BS EN 13108.Annex A gives guidance on the importance of BS EN 13108 mixture specifications.Annex B contains an example specification which gives the UK choice forspecifying asphalt concrete in accordance with BS EN 13108-1. Annex C contains anexample specification which gives the UK choice for specifying hot rolled asphaltin accordance with BS EN 13108-4. Annex D contains an example specificationwhich gives the UK choice for specifying stone mastic asphalt in accordance withBS EN 13108-5.This Published Document does not give guidance on BS EN 13108-6 as this standardis either rarely used in the UK or covered by other guidance.This Published Document is applicable to mixtures for use on roads and other pavedareas, including airfields. Detailed provisions for airfields are specified elsewhere.NOTE 1 For airfield installations on the defence estate, guidance is given in theDefence Infrastructure Organisation Practitioner's Guide 06/11 [2].NOTE 2 There are several asphalt mixtures in general use which have not beencovered by British Standards but which are now covered in BS EN 13108. These arestone mastic asphalt, covered by BS EN 13108-5, and asphalt concrete for very thinlayers (thin surfacing), covered by BS EN 13108-2.Cross References:BS EN 1097-6BS EN 1426BS 2000-49BS EN 12591BS EN 12697-3BS EN 12697-26BS EN 13043BS EN 13108-1:2006BS EN 13108-4:2006BS EN 13108-5:2006BS EN 13108-7BS EN 13108-8BS EN 13108-20:2006BS EN 13108-21:2006BS EN 13924BS 598-110BS 812-2BS 4987BS 594987:2015BS EN 933-1BS EN 12697-5:2009 BS EN 12697-6:2003BS EN 12697-8BS EN 12697-12BS EN 12697-13 BS EN 12697-18:2004BS EN 12697-22:2003BS EN 12697-24:2012BS EN 12697-30:2012BS EN 12697-31:2007BS EN 12697-33:2003BS EN 12697-35:2004BS EN 12697-37BS EN 13108-2BS EN 13108-3BS EN 13108-6BS EN 13924BS EN 14023BS EN ISO 3405BS 2000-123 BS EN ISO 9001PD 6682-2PD 6692The Construction Products Regulations 2013BS 594-1Incorporates the following:Amendment, December 2016. Amends and replaces PD 6691:2015

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