• BS PD 6777:2003

BS PD 6777:2003

Guide to practical implementation of JPEG 2000

BSI Group , 08/04/2003

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


The Guide is targeted at managers, application software developers and end-users who want to know more about JPEG 2000 and about how (or whether) to deploy it in their own imaging workflows. It contains case studies, highlighting some of the ways in which JPEG 2000 may make a significant impact, along with other historical background to its development. The guide's overview of the technology involved in JPEG 2000 will serve as a 'way into' the standard itself. The guide contains chapters covering migration to JPEG 2000 and the various kinds of content management supported by the new standard. Comes with a CD-ROM including contributed papers, images and software.VAT is applicable to this item.

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