BS PD 855468:2015

Guide to the flushing and disinfection of services supplying water for domestic use within buildings and their curtilages

BSI Group , 09/30/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD 855468:2015 provides guidance on cleaning, flushing anddisinfection of services supplying water for domestic purposes within buildingsand their curtilages, including those for the production of foods, but excludingclosed systems or other industrial processes.NOTE 1 See the Water Quality Regulations [7], [8], [9] and [10] and BSRIAGuide 29-2012 [18] for cleaning closed systems. "Domestic purposes" refers to waterused for drinking, washing, cooking and sanitation.The guidance is intended to help prepare new and existing systems for use andcontrol microbiological growth in water systems for supply, storage anddistribution, to ensure that:
  • residues of construction are adequately flushed from water distributionsystems;
  • appropriate water quality is achieved;
  • appropriate disinfectants and processes are used;
  • construction debris and dust are removed;
  • risk of corrosion and damage to fixtures, fittings and sensitive plant isminimized;
  • adequate records of cleaning are produced;
  • stagnation is avoided or managed; and
  • appropriate tools and personnel are deployed for the relevant tasks.
The guidance applies to:
  • initial commissioning of new or extended systems;
  • maintenance of existing systems;
  • alteration of existing systems;
  • water quality management prior to occupation or as a result of low/nooccupancy or usage; and
  • (remedial) response to microbiological problems is identified.
NOTE 2 The techniques set out in this standard are also applicable to themanagement of premises and systems where water is provided from a private supply.Cross References:BS 1427BS 8550BS 8551BS 8554:2015BS 8558:2015 BS EN 806-4BS EN 901BS EN ISO 5667-1BS ISO 5667-21BS 6920-1BS 7592BS EN 12671BS EN ISO 5667-3BS EN ISO 19458BS EN ISO/IEC 17025BS ISO 5667-5BS ISO 13959Health and Safety at Work Act etc 1974Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 20021907/2006/ECWater Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999Water Supply (Water Fittings) (Scotland) Byelaws 2014Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (NorthernIreland) 2009Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2010 Public Water Supplies (Scotland) Regulations 2014Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations (NorthernIreland) 2007Private Water Supplies Regulations 2009Private Water Supplies (Wales) Regulations 2010Private Water Supplies (Scotland) Regulations 2006Private Water Supplies Regulations (Northern Ireland)2009Water Industry Act 1991Water (Scotland) Act 1980Water and Sewerage Services (Northern Ireland) Order2006BSRIA Guide 29:2012528/2012/EUHSE Guidance Note GS4:2012HSG274 Part 2:2014TGN 14:2010The Water Act 2003Environmental Protection Act 1990Environment Act 1995Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999BS EN ISO 15883BS ISO 17381PAS 5748EPA 815-R-99-013EPA. 1999.EPA 815-R-99-014:1999

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