BS PD CEN ISO/IEC TR 25060:2017

Systems and software engineering. Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: General framework for usability-related information

BSI Group , 09/30/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN ISO/IEC TR 25060:2017 describes a potential family of International Standards, named the Common IndustryFormats (CIF), that document the specification and evaluation of the usability of interactive systems. Itprovides a general overview of the CIF framework and contents, definitions, and the relationship of theframework elements. The intended users of the framework are identified, as well as the situations in which theframework may be applied. The assumptions and constraints of the framework are also enumerated.Cross References:PAS 18152TR 16982IEC 17000TR 22411IEC 15288IEC 25062IEC 15504-2IEC 15289TR 18529ISO 9241-110ISO 9241-303IEC TR 11580IEC 9126-1ISO 20282-1IEC TR 24774 ISO 9241-210ISO 11064-5IEC TR 15504-6IEC 15504-5ISO 9241-171ISO 9241-11Incorporates the following:Corrigendum, September 2017

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