BS PD CEN ISO/TR 18486:2017

Plastics. Parameters comparing the spectral irradiance of a laboratory light source for weathering applications to a reference solar spectral irradiance

BSI Group , 03/31/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN ISO/TR 18486:2017 specifies a calculation method which allows calculating a parameter whichcompares the spectral irradiance of a laboratory radiation source for weathering application to areference solar spectral irradiance.Cross References:DIN 5031-11ISO 4892-1ISO 4892-2ISO 4892-3ISO 4892-4ISO 16474-2ISO/TR 17801CIE 85:1989ASTM G177-03Incorporates the following:Corrigendum, March 2017

BS PD CEN ISO/TR 18486:2017 History

BS PD CEN ISO/TR 18486:2018
BS PD CEN ISO/TR 18486:2017

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