BS PD CEN ISO/TS 17251:2016

Health informatics. Business requirements for a syntax to exchange structured dose information for medicinal products

BSI Group , 07/31/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN ISO/TS 17251:2016 specifies the business requirements for the structured content ofstructured or semi-structured dose instructions for recording dose instructions in the electronic healthrecord (EHR), supporting clinical decision support, and in exchanging medication orders, as applicableto primary, secondary and tertiary care.NOTE See 2.9, note to entry, regarding the use of "medication order" and "prescription".Comprehension of dose instructions by the patient is an overarching consideration for patient safetyand the best patient outcomes. Related factors are discussed, but are not part of the primary scope.This Technical Specification does not define an information model, except to the extent that thoseinformation model concepts are necessary to define business requirements.Outside the scope of this Technical Specification are:
  • the functionality of health, clinical and/or pharmacy systems;
  • other kinds of content of health, clinical or pharmacy systems that are needed to support the wholeprocess of health care providers, such as:
    • wide range of knowledge about medicines that would be handled in drug knowledge databasesand decision support systems;
    • the complete medical record (EHR);
    • a medicinal product dictionary.
Cross References:ISO 639-1ISO 639-2ISO 11239:2012ISO 11615:2012ISO 11616:2012ISO 11240:2012ISO/TR 22790

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BS PD CEN ISO/TS 17251:2016

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