BS PD CEN ISO/TS 19256:2017

Health informatics. Requirements for medicinal product dictionary systems for health care

BSI Group , 03/31/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN ISO/TS 19256:2017 defines the required characteristics for any MPD-system to support usecases in healthcare.These characteristics include the medication concepts, identifiers and relationships to form a kind ofstructure that supports the use cases.In order to support the use cases, an MPD-system needs to:
  • be comprehensive and exhaustive as far as possible ? unless all medicinal products that are inscope are included, other systems cannot fully rely on the MPD-system to supply the necessaryinformation, and some amount of duplicated registration of information will still be necessary;
  • contain the information in a consistent and appropriate structure according to the ISO IDMPStandards (as described in this Technical Specification) and with an appropriate level of detail.
Cross References:ISO 11615ISO 11616ISO 11238ISO 11239ISO 11240 ISO/TS 16791ISO 17523ISO 704:2009ISO 1087-1:2000ISO/HL7 10781:2015ISO 13119:2012ISO 13940ISO/TR 14872ISO/TS 17439ISO 18308:2011ISO 19115-1:2014ISO/TS 20443ISO/TS 20451ISO 21090:2011ISO 21549-7ISO/IEC 11179-1:2015ISO/HL7 27953-2:2011CEN/TS 15699:2009

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