BS PD CEN/TR 13445-101:2015

Unfired pressure vessels. Example of application

BSI Group , 09/30/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TR 13445-101:2015 presents an application of EN 13445 through an example of design and fabrication of an unfired pressure vessel. Every step is described as far as possible:
  • Material choice;
  • Design and calculation;
  • Fabrication;
  • Inspection and testing;
using the following part of EN 13445:
  • EN 13445-1:2009;
  • EN 13445-2:2009;
  • EN 13445-3:2009;
  • EN 13445-4:2009;
  • EN 13445-5:2009 .
As applicable, some choices for design or fabrication are made according to "the state of art" practice.Some parts of EN 13445 are reproduced in order to show which requirements are relevant to the design andfabrication of the target vessel.Cross References:EN 287-1:2004+A2:2006EN 473:2008EN 764-5:2002EN 1092-1:2007EN 1418:1997EN 1515-3:2005EN 1515-4:2009EN 1759-1:2004EN 10025-2:2004EN 10028-1:2007EN 10028-2:2003EN 10029:2010EN 10204:2004EN 10216-3:2002EN 10222-4:1998EN 10269:1999+A1:2006EN 12560-4:2001CR ISO 15608:2000EN ISO 15614-1:2004ISO 15614-1:2004

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