BS PD CEN/TR 15193-2:2017

Energy performance of buildings. Energy requirements for lighting-Explanation and justification of EN 15193-1, Module M9

BSI Group , 04/30/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TR 15193-2:2017 is accompanying the lighting standard EN 15193-1:2017 and gives information tosupport the correct understanding, use and national implementation of this lighting standard.This document provides:
  • commentary to clauses of the standard;
  • explanation on the procedures and gives background information;
  • justification of the choices that have been made;
  • description of the processes;
  • spreadsheet of the calculation process;
  • worked examples and benchmark values;
  • advice on lighting control systems; and
  • guidance on the lighting design for domestic buildings.
This document discusses but does not formally detail the lighting design process.Cross References:EN 12665EN 15193-1:2017EN ISO 52000-1:2017ISO 52000-1:20172002/91/EC2010/31/EUCEN/TS 16628CEN/TS 16629 CEN ISO/TR 52000-2EN 13032-1:2004+A1:2012EN 13032-2:2004GIL 65:2004CIE 158:2004CIE 97:2005CIE S011:2003CIBSE Guide F:2012CIBSE TM54:2013EN 12464-1EN 12193SIA 380/4:2005

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