BS PD CEN/TR 16798-2:2019

Energy performance of buildings. Ventilation for buildings-Interpretation of the requirements in EN 16798-1. Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics (Module M1-6)

BSI Group , 05/09/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Scope: This document deals with the indoor environmental parameters for thermal environment, indoor air quality, lighting and acoustic. The document explains how to use EN 16798-1 for specifying indoor environmental input parameters for building system design and energy performance calculations. The document specifies methods for long term evaluation of the indoor environment obtained as a result of calculations or measurements. The document specifies criteria for measurements which can be used if required to measure compliance by inspection. The Document identifies parameters to be used by monitoring and displaying the indoor environment in existing buildings. This document is applicable where the criteria for indoor environment are set by human occupancy and where the production or process does not have a major impact on indoor environment. The document explains how different categories of criteria for the indoor environment can be used.Cross References:EN 16798-1:2019EN ISO 52000-1:2017ISO 52000-1:2017EN 12464-1:2011ISO 10052ISO 13731EN 12193EN 16798-1EN 12464-2EN ISO 13731ISO 16032EN ISO 16032EN ISO 10052EN 12792EN 16798-3EN 12665ISO 7730ISO 15927-4ANSI/ASHRAE/Standard 62.2-2007ISO 16000-11EN 15265EN ISO 7726 EN 12599EN 16798-5-1EN 16798-5-2EN 779prEN 15193-1 ISO 16000-3EN 13032 (all parts)ISO 8996EN 13053AFNOR XPB44-200ISO 16000-9ISO/TS 13732-2ISO 15927-5EN 1822 (all parts)ISO 7726ISO/IEC 17025EN ISO 16000-9EN ISO 8996EN 15255EN ISO 15927-4ISO 16000-6ANSI/ASHRAE/Standard 55-2016ISO 16814EN ISO 7730EN 13142EN ISO 15927-5CEN/TR 16798?4EN ISO/IEC 17025EN 13141 (all parts)ISO 9920ANSI/ASHRAE/Standard 62.1-2016EN ISO 9920EN ISO 16000-11EN 15378:2007CEN/TS 16516:2013

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