BS PD CEN/TR 16915:2015

Postal Services. Quality of service. Damage to postal items

BSI Group , 11/30/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TR 16915:2015 is an extension as a guide to the European Standard EN 14012 with regard todamage of postal items. EN 14012 recommends:The continual improvement of the overall quality of service is an objective of the complaint handlingsystem, and using the information from the complaint handling process to improve the overall quality ofservice should be a permanent objective of any postal organization.Complaint handling processes should allow analysis of complaint causes.However, it does not contain detailed guidelines to possible solutions. Damages are a rare event and astandard for measurement proved not to be feasible. This document contains a set of best practicesdedicated to use by postal operators regardless of their size and users of postal services.Cross References:EN 14012:20082008/6/EC97/67/EC

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