BS PD CEN/TR 17039:2017

Railway applications. Technical Report about the revision of EN 14363

BSI Group , 03/31/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TR 17039:2017 contains a lot of requirements which were modified during the last revision. The scope wasalso extended. It was found in the working group, that many decisions that were taken to formulatethese modifications need to be documented to improve understanding and to allow a later furtherdevelopment if practice of applications shows the necessity. The work for the revision was organised in8 subgroups. Many of these subgroups recorded the way to the proposals in reporting templates, whichwere used for the editing work. Afterwards discussion was ongoing in WG 10 and in the enquiryprocess. This available information needs to be summarised and presented in a common format inorder to allow people not involved in the discussions to understand the background of themodifications.Cross References:UIC Code 518 OR:2009UIC SG3:2008EN 14363:2005EN 14363:2016

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