BS PD CEN/TR 17055:2017

Workplace exposure. Measurement of chemical agents complying with the requirements given in EN 482 and either one of EN 838, EN 1076, EN 13205, EN 13890 and EN 13936. Choice of procedures

BSI Group , 03/31/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TR 17055:2017 describes how the measuring procedures for chemical agents complyingwith the requirements given in EN 482 and either one of EN 838, EN 1076, EN 13890, EN 13936 and/orthe EN 13205 series, as far as applicable, have been chosen.This document refers on the selection of chemical agents and related substance groups and theestablishment of corresponding method lists. It describes the evaluation of available measuringprocedures in order to select for a particular chemical agent the most appropriate one.This document is also intended to:
  • provide a means to compare for a given chemical agent a new measuring procedure with thoselisted in the database GESTIS Analytical methods [2];
  • to evaluate and rate a given measuring procedure (from an accepted source) for a given chemicalagent not yet selected in the database GESTIS Analytical methods [2].
Cross References:98/24/ECEN 482:2012+A1:2015EN 689EN 838:2010EN 1076EN 13205EN 13890:2009EN 13936EN ISO 13137ISO 13137ISO 78-2ISO/IEC Guide 98-3GUM:1995

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