BS PD CEN/TR 17144:2017

Resistance of metallic materials to liquid biogenic and alternative fuels and their blends

BSI Group , 09/28/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TR 17144:2017 includes application-relevant metallic materials of supply systems for liquid fuelsand their blends with regard to corrosive or service life reducing influences. Assessment of thespecialist literature showed possible interactions with biogenic and alternative fuels and motor fuels aswell as their blends with mineral oil and motor fuels. The results of this assessment are given in thisCEN/TR.Cross References:PN C 96024DIN 51623SS 155410EN ISO 2160EN ISO 8044:2015UNI 6579EN 1676DIN 51605CSR 4-1-04ISO 431 SIST 1011EN 1652M 15-008:1988NBN T 52-716ASTM 665-06SN 181160-2CSR 4-4-06ONR 31115CEN/TR 15738OENORM C 1109DIN SPEC 51603-6OENORM C 1108EN 13878:2003ISO 8216-99:2002 Ed 1EN 573-3:2013EN 1412:2016ISO 21606:2007 EN 13160-3:2016EN 15940:2016EN 10027-1:2016EN 14214:2012 EN 16709:2015ISO 7120:1987DIN 51603-1:2003ISO 8044:2015 EN 1706:2010BS 2869:2017ISO 2160:1998EN 14538:2006EN 515:2017EN 12844:1998

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